Found in Translation: Interview with Andy Dudak

by Will Slater In January 2019, author and Chinese-to-English translator Andy Dudak published a short story, “Love in the Time of Immuno-Sharing”, about a society in which the sharing of pathogens is willfully accepted as a means of pleasure. Now, more than two years later, that theme of plague is more relevant than anyone could have foreseen….

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On Translating Culture

An essay exploring the folktale selection in the Translating Culture collection By Sofi Sanders Like most children, I was fascinated by stories from a young age. I would often ask my parents to read the classic tales associated with a Russian childhood, such as Kolobok, the story of a ball of dough who runs away…

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Imperfect Containments

“By consenting to ‘hold hospitably’ an alien life force, Troi practices the “real, loving solidarity” envisioned by Lewis. Her thirty-six hours of motherhood are a tutorial in the ethics of transformative translation where input does not equal output, but some genuine connection between two ways of being and thinking is nevertheless made.”

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